Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Can your eye color change over time?

I was looking in the mirror today to check my face, and i noticed something about my eyes. My eyes are medium brown, but when i looked closely, i noticed there was a fairly medium blue rim around the Iris on both my eyes. Could my eyes change to a dark/medium blue over time? Is this a bad thing? should i see a doctor?

PS: I'm a black girl with native american descentCan your eye color change over time?
I don't know if it's normal, but my eyes changed from hazel/green to blue. As a kid, I had hazel/green eyes. My eyes are now completely blue. No green. No hazel. The change was gradual, but it happened sometime in my 20's to 30's. Note: I'm white. Both of my parents have blue eyes. The hazel/green came from my paternal grandmother. No clue what caused the change or if it's common. My vision is the same as it has always been. A bit near-sited.

In answer to your question, it would seem that if your eyes were going to change to blue, there would need to be some close family members to you with blue eyes.Can your eye color change over time?
I've seen it happen in infants and can be normal, but at the same time can be dangerous if your vision is affected at the same time.

But you're lucky, with your dark skin, your eyes must look awesome even as just medium brown

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