Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dominate Hair and Eye Color?

I have brown hair and green eyes, my boyfriend has brown hair and brown eyes. Or son is blonde hair and blue eyes. As a baby and child I had blonde hair and blue eyes, as I got older they changed. My Mother has blonde hair and blue eyes, my father has black hair and brown eyes. My boyfriends parents are brown hair and brown eyes. I always thought brown hair and eyes dominated over lighter colors. Is it possible my son is just a throw back to the lighter colors on my Mom's side. Will his hair and eyes get darker as he gets older, like mine did?Dominate Hair and Eye Color?
Ahh, you are getting into combinatorics!

Using hair color as an example, hair color is determined by a gene on chromosome 16. And you have TWO such genes, one from your mother and one from your father. And yes, if you had say a red hair gene from your mother and a black hair gene from your father, YOU would have black hair since black is dominant over red. However, you carry BOTH the black and red hair gene and as such could pass EITHER to your children...even though you have black hair, you could pass the red hair gene to your child.

Here's the way it works probabilistically....

r=red hair gene b=black hair gene (remember, each person has 2 genes and black is more dominant than red)

Parent1: bb Parent2:bb (both parents have black hair)

Child: bb (child has black hair)

Parent1: bb Parent2:br (both parents have black hair)

Half the time, Child: bb (child will have black hair)

Half the time, child: br (child will still have black hair but can pass red to their children)

Parent1: br Parent 2:br (both parents have black hair)

1/4 the time, Child: bb (child will have black hair)

1/2 the time, Child: br (child will have black hair but can pass red to their children

1/4 the time, child: rr (child will have red hair and only pass red to their children

Parent1: br Parent2:rr (Parent 1 has black hair, Parent 2 has red hair)

1/2 the time child: br (child has black hair but can pass red)

1/2 the time child: rr (child has red hair but will always pass red)

Parent1: rr Parent2:rr (both parents have red hair)

100% of the time, child:rr (child has red hair and can only pass red hair)

This of course ignores random mutations of genes.

So you can see, the color of your parent's hair (even if more dominant than red) doesn't mean you can't have red hair. Because you get TWO genes, one from each parent, and because you can pass EITHER of the two genes to your child, even the one NOT associated with YOUR haircolor.

Eye color is a little different in that it is associated with a protein. This protein can be mutated by the genes of chromosome 16 (controlling hair color) but in a number of ways. Thus you will find it LESS LIKELY that a red haired person would have brown eyes (though my daughter has red hair and brown eyes), but while this eye color protein does have strong associations with the hair color genes, it is also affected by other genes and proteins so while more likely to have certain eye colors based on hair color, in reality, any eye color can occur with any hair color.Dominate Hair and Eye Color?
Most of the blonds I know got darker as they aged, then lighter as it got silver.

Somewhere in your boyfriend's tree is a blue-eyed person, and BF is carrying one brown-eyed gene (which is dominant) and one blue-eyed (which your son got.)

Your son got one of his eye color genes from you, one from your boy friend.

If your son is under a couple of months old, his eyes may be ';baby blue'; which will become brown by the time he is one or so, and what I said about BF's family tree is wrong.

This is an interesting web site on genetics that lets you calculate your child's eye color by your and your husband's eye color.

I do know that by about 6 mos the eye color is usually finishing developing. I am green eyed and the father is blue eyed. We have 4 blue and 1 green eyed children. Girls all dark haired like my mother and boys all blond like the father.
almost all caucasian babies are born with blue eyes some get darker and some stay blue as for the hair it is common for hair to darken over time as the child gets older. you cant know for sure with anyone. its possible his hair will get darker over time but no body can say for sure
Maybe yes or maybe no, just enjoy him while he is a child they grow up all too fast.

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