Thursday, December 10, 2009

A stray cat I had been feeding changed her outer eye color from green to yellow. Why?Is it an infection?

Hi there...generally this would be indicative of jaundice which means the liver is failing. Please consider contacting your vet as soon as possible to discuss this over the phone to see if a visit is in order.

They would be ask you more specific questions to determine this change as it could be something completely different than hepatic (liver) failure.A stray cat I had been feeding changed her outer eye color from green to yellow. Why?Is it an infection?
I would take her to the vet! That doesn't sound normal!A stray cat I had been feeding changed her outer eye color from green to yellow. Why?Is it an infection?
Seattle's comments about possible jaundice are worth considering, and a vet visit is probably in order.

However, it may mean nothing. My Rusty had deep orange eyes as an adolescent. Over a period of several years they changed from orange to deep gold, to bright yellow, to yellow-green, to bright emerald green. Then they started changing back the other way! They went from green to greenish-yellow to yellow with just a hint of green tint. That's the color they were when he died. He died of heart failure, and there was nothing wrong with his liver.

Also, my Scooter once got hepatic lipidosis after he stopped eating for a few days when he had his first heart attack. His eyes, always deep emerald green, didn't change color when his liver was messed up. (BTW, he survived his first heart attack and his bout of hepatic lipidosis, but not his second heart attack.)

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