Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why does my son have a totally diffenrt eye color !!?

His mother is african american and native American and I'm completely African American so he's pretty much African American .....His mother had dark brown eyes I have dark brown eyes his are gren/grey/blue like a really funny shade of aqua how is that possible and hes muchhhh lighter than me or my wife we had a DNA test done and he is mine and is hers but why is he lighter than use and has colored eyes I don't get it !!Why does my son have a totally diffenrt eye color !!?
did you seriously have a DNA test over this? I would stop wondering why your child has different colored eyes (that by the way may change as he get older) and start wondering why you don't trust your wife. If you have been my husband....well you wouldn't be anymore. I think you need to get some marriage counseling. You need to do some research and find that sometimes 'dormant' genes can reappear generations later. Maybe your great great- grandmother had light skin and a funny shade of aqua eye color.Why does my son have a totally diffenrt eye color !!?
i learned sum'n bout dis in frshmen bio.

becuz both parents have same eye color there is a possiblity dat da child may get sum'n completely diff.
genetics are tricky.. best answer is that one or both of you carry a recessive gene for the different color.. try looking in your family tree.. usually there is a 'branch' that is the key.. a great great great grandmother or grandfather.. that was Caucasian or had the light eyes..

as for the skin color same thing..

just remember we are the product of every relation before us.
Hey, sometimes someone is a throw back from some relative before you. Clearly some lighter genes came through.

Not uncommon that people and other critters can resemble another earlier relative... we have big long haired cat who's parents are both lanky skinny short-hairs. All his other siblings were short haired like them.

And both my parents are/were blond, mom darker blond, dad lighter blond. I'm dark blond too, eyebrows and eyelashes don't match my hair. They are a much darker brown almost black. No other family has this, but I kinda like it. Not quite sure where that came from. ; )
He's your child. Why not love him the way he is?
It is possible that his eye colour is due to a recessive gene, contributed from the both of you, but expressed only in him. Genetically, it can be much more complicated than that. It could be the result of a mutation, or as I mentioned, recessive genes that need a copy from both parents to show. But essentially, since you know for a fact that he is yours, just accept him as he is. Wouldn't it be much worse if he turned out to be an albino?
basically, the gene for brown eyes is dominant so the gene will probably have been in both of your families for a really long time and by chance, the two chromosones that joined must of both carried the gene for his eye colour i THINK. Basically, a throwback.

(but i did only get a c in biology so is probably not entirely accurate)
If he's a newbie, his eyes will probably change colors... Babies eyes start out blue a lot of the times and then change... Otherwise it just means that somewhere along the lines in your genes that there were blue eyes...
Most babies are born with blue/green eyes , melanin production increases during the first year of a baby's life, leading to their eye color changing.

Genetics are just interesting and strange. And if I hadn't been there, there would have been no way I would have believed my daughter was mine! My husband and I are white as white can be, and she looked native American. She was really red with black hair (and the blue eyes) for about the first three months, then her looks began to change. Now at twelve she has blond hair and brown eyes. But that seems to be changing now too, as her hair is getting more brown, and her eyes seem to be turning hazel.
  • white hair
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